The TRADE Magazine, Spring 2020

The latest edition of The TRADE magazine is now available to read online.

The Spring 2020 issue of The TRADE magazine is now available to read online. As the industry settles into a  new operating environment, delve into the very best content from the Spring 2020 issue:

Buy-side cover interview – T. Rowe Price’s equity execution team, led by Jeremy Ellis, head of European equity trading, were awarded ‘Trading Desk of the Year’ at The TRADE’s Leaders in Trading ceremony. Here, the team sits down with Hayley McDowell to discuss some of the biggest market structure changes that have impacted the trading desk.

The Big Interview – Following the recent 50th anniversary of Instinet, Ralston Roberts tells The TRADE about his first year as chief executive of the agency broker, and the impact the firm has had on the rise of electronic trading.

Unlocking TCA – Daniel Nicholls, head of trading at Hermes Investment Management, outlines the asset manager’s process for effective use of transaction cost analysis.

Reviving research – As the AMF in France looks to revive the declining research market in Europe under unbundling, The TRADE finds out that providers who can supply high-quality ESG research could be the winners of an upcoming review of MiFID II.

Leveling up – As a new decade begins, The TRADE looks at how the role of the buy- and sell-side trader has evolved since the flash crash of 2010, and finds that while the buy-side has levelled up with brokers, progression has not always been smooth.

The best bad idea ever – Stock links and connects are highly contrived and usually unnecessary, but when they are needed, they tend to work well.

From the front line to the front-office – Sam McGrath is a highly-decorated former Paratrooper, elite ultra-marathon runner, father of four, author and managing director at Standard Chartered. Here he talks about how the military life, a disciplined regime and strong mindset has shaped his life.

The 2020 Algorithmic Trading Survey – The long-only results of this year’s survey show that dark pool access remains a key focus for asset managers, as providers see largest jump in score in connecting the buy-side to dark liquidity.

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