The TRADETechFX Daily 2024 launches in Amsterdam as your official guide to the event!

The magazine features exclusive buy-side interviews and insights, in depth content and the official accompanying event agenda.

By Editors

The TRADE is excited to launch the digital edition of The TradeTechFX Daily, official magazine of TradeTechFX Europe, full to the brim with the latest industry news and exclusive interviews with buy-side speakers.

Covering top stories from recent months, the important regulatory developments and key industry insights from buy-side speakers at the event, The TRADETechFX Daily can be accessed here.

The TRADETechFX Daily is available in print format at the event and can be located across the event and at registration stands.

The TRADE team is also on the ground at the event so make sure to come and say hello to Annabel, Claudia, and Patrick!

View The TRADETechFX Daily 2024 here.
