Positive revenues from Euronext trading segments sees overall revenue rise year-on-year
The trading venue saw Q2 2024 revenue and income achieve €412.9 million, up 12.2% when compared to the same period last year.
The trading venue saw Q2 2024 revenue and income achieve €412.9 million, up 12.2% when compared to the same period last year.
Named Euronext Wireless Network, the offering is expected to enhance the speed of order transmission between London and Bergamo, where Euronext’s core data centre is located.
Trading revenues grew 7.4% year-on-year to €138.4 million, driven by strong results within its fixed income and power trading segments.
The past week saw appointments across equity sales, business development, fixed income and product.
Incoming appointment spent 12 years at Credit Suisse, with prior experience at Cheuvreux, IG Markets and WH Selfinvest.
The move follows Euronext’s acquisition of the Borsa Italiana cash and derivatives markets exchange in April 2021.
The past week saw appointments across sales trading, equities, foreign exchange and derivatives, as well as a senior departure.
The TRADE sat down with Anthony Attia, global head of derivatives and post-trade of Euronext, to unpack the current state of play of post-trade across Europe, including how regulators are addressing the fragmented market, key roadblocks to consolidation, and the potential for a T+1 shift across the region.
“Clients are advised not to send Good Till Date orders with validity date today as they will be rejected,” said Euronext.
Development builds upon daily options on the AEX index launched by Euronext in 2008, meeting demand for investors looking to respond quickly to market fluctuations.