R.J. O’Brien adopts Trading Technologies platform

Trading Technologies launched the TT platform last year with the backing of banks and clearing firms.

R.J. O’Brien has adopted Trading Technologies flagship derivatives trading platform, as the US tech vendor continues to onboard non-bank clearing firms.

R.J. O Brien now joins the likes of Wedbush Securities, Rosenthal Collins Group, MBF Clearing, and Advantage Futures that now use the TT platform.

Citi and BNP Paribas also use the platform for derivatives trading.

“The TT platform adoption rate is accelerating as more of our FCM partners are now migrating their existing customers to TT and onboarding new users,” said Rick Lane, CEO of Trading Technologies in a recent blog.

“Our most recent additions include R.J. O’Brien & Associates, which is the oldest and largest independent FCM in the U.S., and more announcements are coming”

Trading Technologies also announced it will be supporting options trading, providing volatility management, historical volatility analysis, portfolio risk analysis, and integrating options analytics. 
