NYSE to launch historical data suite

NYSE Euronext subsidiary NYSE Technologies has announced it will launch a suite of ‘data as a service’ solutions to enable close scrutiny of real-time and historical market data.

NYSE Euronext subsidiary NYSE Technologies has announced it will launch a suite of  ‘data as a service’ solutions to enable close scrutiny of real-time and historical market data.

It has teamed up with First Derivatives, a software and consulting services providers to offer data collection, storage and analysis as a service to its global trading community, which will enable back-testing of new algorithms.

The new suite combines historical and real-time data for cash, options, futures and corporate actions. It will integrate First Derivatives’ Tick as a Service technology to enable rapid access to large historical data stores.

With this data, market participants will be able to thoroughly examine all their data as well as testing algo strategies.

Jon Robson, CEO of NYSE Technologies, said: “This new service will allow participants to move from a client deployed to managed service for the storage, support and delivery of tick history infrastructure to back-test their algorithms and interrogate their data through a flexible, fully-managed solution.”

NYSE Technologies said the Tick as a Service offering is one of a number of historical data solutions it hopes to offer.

First Derivatives CEO, Brian Conlon, said the deal with NYSE Technologies will reduce operational overheads and cut costs for clients. 
