LSE's ELITE platform set to launch later this year

ELITE private platform aims to “bridge a funding gap”, according to LSE.

The London Stock Exchange has announced it will be launching its highly anticipated private placement platform by the end of this year.

The ‘ELITE Club Deal’ is designed to help businesses with funding by linking up professional investors with high growth companies through the new platform.

To be considered ‘ELITE’ by the LSE, companies must be “willing to commit at the highest level, (CEO, CFO) for the phases”, “generating more than £5 million in revenues”, and be able to “demonstrate growth potential”.

LSE explained a pilot phase with five European ‘ELITE’ companies will begin shortly, and though subject to regulatory approval, it will likely launch by the end of this year.

Luca Peyrano, chief executive officer of ELITE at the LSE, said the platform “bridges the gap between the supply and demand of capital in a new way.”

He added: “ECD is a ‘one-stop-shop,’ giving [companies] access to a host of institutions in a secure environment.”

ELITE was first launched at Borsa Italiana in 2012, with the aim of helping young companies with their next stage of growth.

Following the trial, ELITE was launched in the UK two years later and its programme was expanded.

It is partnered with Imperial College Business School in London and provides firms with “a three-part service of education, business support, and mentoring.”
