The Tradetech Daily



UBS is a leading global, full service portfolio trading house offering agency, guaranteed and risk (including EFPs) execution services, index analysis and advanced analytical tools for clients. Its global team provides 24-hour coverage with portfolio trading hubs in London, New York, Toronto, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Sydney and works closely with local offices around the globe, especially in emerging markets.

Liquidity sourcing

Dedicated portfolio trading specialists combine
global reach with local expertise through the firm’s global in-house portfolio
trading system, UBS’s electronic execution platform, UBS liquidity pools, and
local cash traders to minimise market impact and source liquidity for clients.
Memberships in all developed and most emerging markets, and in-house liquidity
sourced from its global equities and wealth management businesses, deliver
further added value. The UBS execution platform and sophisticated flow
monitoring tools allow us to discretely work portfolio orders or source
meaningful crossing opportunities through active sales-trading engagement.


UBS Portfolio Trading serves a broad range of
fundamental, quant and passive managers. It has observed a general trend of
less plain vanilla and more complex portfolio trades, and the level of
portfolio trading (as a share of UBS’s overall equities flow) has increased
over the last several years.


UBS delivers its transition management service via
the Institutional Funds Group (IFG), which is completely separate from the
global UBS Portfolio Trading team and segregated by an information barrier.
Using the global execution capabilities of the UBS Portfolio Trading team, the
IFG business is dedicated to providing transition and interim portfolio
management services to pension, government and multi-manager funds across all
regions and asset classes.

Capital commitment

The firm views its capital commitment as an
essential component and function of a full service portfolio trading house. UBS
integrates its risk portfolio trading flow into a central risk book (CRB),
which helps to lower costs, provide highly competitive pricing to clients, and
better manage conflicts of interest by separating the agency and risk
functions. Our regional CRB desks are globally aligned which enables us to
price global risk baskets seamlessly.


PT clients can use UBS FUSION, a web-based suite of
analytical tools, to gainsophisticated pre-trade analysis, real-time monitoring
and historical transaction cost analysis. Its Portfolio Analysis System, built
by the Global Quant Research team, analyses the risks in clients’ portfolios,
identifies their exposures to various style and risk factors, and helps run optimisations.

ETF capabilities

UBS has authorised participant agreements with all
major exchange-traded fund providers and offers full execution services across
all exchange-traded product asset classes. Its expertise in financing services
means the firm is a specialist in providing EFP solutions to clients across a
broad range of global equity products and indices.

Future plans

UBS has most recently added connectivity to the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect scheme or Mutual Market Access, to help global portfolio trading clients trade and settle designated securities listed in Mainland China. It will continue to enhance the global execution platform on an ongoing basis to distinguish itself in the search for liquidity and provide high quality executions for clients.