SS&C Tradeware
Antares Trader supports multiple asset classes and offers order, portfolio and holdings management functionality. It gives buyside institutions a front-end trading capability for equities, options and futures.
The system supports order management functionality. In addition, it can also integrate with third-party execution management systems using FIX drop copies.
Antares Trader interfaces with other SS&C OMS/ portfolio management platforms such as Antares and CAMRA, SS&C’s portfolio accounting and back-office system.
The EMS supports FIX 4.2. It does not support FIXatdl yet, but will do so once client demand dictates it should. SS&C Tradeware also integrates broker algos directly into Antares Trader’s graphical user interface.
Asia-specific features
The system can support manual brokers (manual order and fill entry), variable minimum price variations and traditional broker routing, and offers integrated support for broker algos. SS&C Tradeware says the system’s flexibility enables it to handle the variations between different markets.
The company provides dedicated support via teams in Asia, Europe and the US which ensures Antares Trader is supported 24/7.
Connectivity and access
Antares Trader uses SS&C Tradeware’s FIXlink network for equities, options and futures. Access is available to over 80 global markets, multilateral trading facilities and electronic communications networks.
The system provides access to a number of different broker algos and can support any additional broker algo upon request.
Antares Trader is offered on a licensed (customer hosted) or application service provider basis – whichever the customer prefers.
Algorithm support
SS&C Tradeware has a dedicated team for configuring and customising algos and a detailed implementation process. Lead times are typically between three and four weeks dependent upon brokers’ resource availability.
Transaction cost analysis
The firm supports third-party products. Antares Trader has integrated market data and can calculate basic trade performance metrics such as average price versus VWAP or average price versus decision price.
Planned updates
Options and futures trading support will be available from June 2010 onwards. Fixed income and FX trading is planned for August.