Strategies offered by Instinet include:
strategies: VWAP/TWAP, implantation shortfall, TargetClose, TargetOpen,
auction, TEN.
strategies: Part, DynaPart, StepPart.
strategies: Nighthawk. Cobra, Work, Make, Blockpeg
Key functionality
Instinet’s Execution Experts strategies are global,
event-driven, multi-asset trading strategies designed to address nearly every
trading objective. They include extensive user controls to refine behaviour and
the modular platform provides flexibility while leveraging core platform assets
like analytics and statistical modelling.
Execution Experts algos are fully customisable. All
clients have sales, sales trading and product specialist coverage to assist
with strategy selection, etc. Clients are also encouraged to leverage
Instinet’s analytics suite, Insight, to provide pre-, real-time and post-trade
analysis when trading via the Experts.
Instinet’s strategies can be accessed via its Newport
or Portal execution management systems, through third-party platforms or
directly via FIX.
The firm’s algorithms route dynamically, adjusting
tactics based on real-time market data and analytical feedback on factors such
as fill rates. Clients may have routing logic customised depending on trading
style. For example, some may choose fee-sensitive routing. Instinet provides
access to all major venues (lit or dark) in 64 markets globally.
Future plans
The build out of the Execution Experts suite is a
key priority for Instinet.