The Tradetech Daily



TMS is an independent, broker-neutral, multi-asset trading platform that ties together all the tools, technologies, global market connectivity and execution capabilities that traders need in a single system.
Capabilities include pre-, in- and post-trade analysis, pre-built and broker-provided algorithms, realtime, interactive charts and position monitoring, multiasset and portfolio trading capabilities, order management and FIX connectivity.
The system can be configured to deliver just a subset of required features, and InfoReach says it can be easily integrated into any trading environment and with numerous OMS solutions.
TMS supports trading in equities, options, futures and foreign exchange. Orders can be controlled manually or algorithmically. Trades can be entered via customisable order entry dialogs, quote list and quote montage screens or through the use of quick order entry panels. Trades completed away from the InfoReach TMS can also be entered into the system.
TMS offers complete portfolio, index, pairs and client basket trading capabilities, including multi-day basket trading. The system provides pre-trade, real-time and rule-based allocations.
TMS can be application service provider hosted or installed onsite. Average deployment time is three to six weeks.

Asia-specific features

Global support is available for Asia-specific trading features and broker connectivity.

Connectivity and access

The InfoReach TMS offers low-latency access to more than 140 brokers, electronic communications networks, multilateral trading facilities, alternative trading systems, dark pools and other major sources of global liquidity. Most major direct market access services and algorithms from the primary brokers in Asia are fully integrated and accessible through TMS.

The system includes a suite of pre-built execution strategies, as well as access to algorithmic strategies from dozens of brokers and providers around the world.

InfoReach TMS supplies market connectivity via its own FIX engine and can connect to any FIX-compliant destination. While many global brokers and destinations are already certified, InfoReach says others can be integrated with minimum development effort.

Algorithm support

AutoTrader, a proprietary tool from InfoReach, provides an environment for the creation and testing of user-defined strategies, and facilitates rapid development of custom execution algorithms. Residual (uncommitted) quantities remain available in the blotter for traders to work on their own or collaboratively with AutoTrader.