ESMA to pick bond CTP by July 2025

The selection procedure for the bond consolidated tape provider (CTP) and the CTP for shares and exchange traded funds ETFs will launch in January 2025 and June 2025 respectively.

The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has confirmed that the selection procedure for the bond CTP will begin on 3 January with a decision made by early July 2025, six months after the launch.

The CTP for shares and exchange traded funds ETFs will initiate in June 2025 with plans for a decision on by the end of 2025.

This in keeping with the previously confirmed timeline wherein ESMA confirmed it would be no more than six months after the launch of the selection procedure for bonds.

“Today’s announcement on the launch dates of the first selection procedures for the CTP for bonds and equities aims to foster a successful competition with multiple solid offers in transparent and fair selection procedures,” said ESMA.

Specifically, the “reasoned decision” on the selected applicant will adhere to the rules applicable to concession contracts (outlined in the Financial Regulation – EU, Euratom 2018/104636), which prescribes the steps and timelines to follow.

Read more: ESMA publishes new public consultations as Mifir review continues

Contract notice and procurement documents will be published on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal on the respective launch dates.

“Prospective applicants are invited to register and familiarise themselves with the Portal. In the coming weeks, ESMA intends to share additional guidance on the assessment of exclusion criteria,” confirmed the watchdog. 

Last December, Etrading Software confirmed plans to bid to become the consolidated tape provider (CTP) for both the UK and EU as the UK’s Financial Conduct Authority and European Securities Markets Authority (ESMA) continued with data consolidation plans.

The move followed news that the Bloomberg, MarketAxess and Tradeweb JV for a CTP bid had been scrapped due to “various developments”.

Following confirmation, it would enter the tender process to become the UK’s consolidated tape provider for fixed income, Ediphy has also confirmed its intention to bid for the European fixed income tape as well.

Last year a JV between major exchanges across Europe announced the incorporation of the new company, EuroCTP, through which the participants aim to bid to become the EU’s equities and ETF consolidated tape (CT) provider.

Read more: Battle lines are drawn over European consolidated tape project

Throughout the application periods, ESMA has confirmed it will be available to field questions from prospective bidders with applicants “granted as much time as possible, within the boundaries of EU procurement rules, to provide details on their projects”.
