Baton Systems launches real-time intraday liquidity management and analysis tools

New tools claim to reduce intraday liquidity buffers and help meet prudential intraday liquidity obligations.

Baton Systems has introduced new treasury management tools to optimise intraday liquidity, reduce costly buffers and mitigate risk in real-time.

The new offering will enable firms to reduce their financing costs elevated by interest rate normalisation, alongside offering a way to address increased regulatory focus on financial resilience.

The tools will equip treasury managers with a dashboard showcasing real-time insight into how individual counterparties are impacting liquidity across all business lines.

Through the provision of real-time firm-wide visibility and control across all available liquidity sources, the new tools will help improve forecasting, leading to better informed decision-making and speedier adjustments of liquidity strategies.

Treasury managers are also able to analyse individual liquidity flows and trace contributing factors to improve understanding of the impacts different events have on their own liquidity profiles and those of their counterparties.

In addition, the integration of real-time data with historical models will allow the automatic adjustment and optimisation of payment strategies, as well as immediate detection of deviations in market or counterparty client behaviour, highlighting potential credit crunches or liquidity issues.

“Recent market events underscore the urgency for a significant shift towards real-time treasury management,” said Arjun Jayaram, founder and chief executive of Baton Systems.

“With regulators more focused than ever on financial resilience, we’ve designed these tools to enable treasury managers to develop more robust liquidity strategies, to easily access the critical information needed to make informed decisions fast and rapidly adjust strategies to effectively respond to and proactively optimise resources as market conditions change.” 
