Trump brings record monthly volume to Tradeweb

Tradeweb reports record month following the US presidential election result.

Tradeweb has reported a record volume of $7.9 trillion in November, making it the most active month of trading across its platforms since the credit crisis.

In the two days following the US election, Tradeweb’s volumes and trade counts peaked, although activity was sustained across asset classes over the following weeks.

Lee Olesky, chief executive officer at Tradeweb, explained the trading volumes have continued to increase across the firm’s platforms.

“While bond markets have fallen significantly in recent weeks, we are seeing widespread increases in activity across all types of institutions, and in all ranges of maturities,” he said.

November saw annual monthly volume highs for several products at Tradeweb, including US treasuries, US and European ETFs and European government bonds.

Olesky added this could be the beginning of a long-term change in market behaviour, with the likelihood of rising interest rates and new expectations for inflation.

“If the broader asset management community is restructuring their portfolios over the next year, we may see growing trading volumes in light of increased volatility and shifts in fundamental investing strategies,” he said. 
